McKinley named April Student of the Month

Sam McKinley
Chadron State College student Sam McKinley of Colorado Springs, Colorado, is the April 2019 Project Strive/TRiO Student of the Month. (Photo by Daniel Binkard/Chadron State College)


CHADRON – Chadron State College student Samuel McKinley of Colorado Springs, Colorado, is the Project Strive/TRiO Student of the Month for April.

McKinley, a junior, said he chose CSC because of Head Football Coach Jay Long and the football program.

“When I came to my visit, I really liked the campus. I definitely wanted to be a part of the program at Chadron State,” said McKinley, who plays on the offensive line.

During one of his first football practices, a Project Strive/TRiO staff member met with the team and discussed the program. McKinley said he qualified and applied right away.

McKinley said he is grateful to be a part of Project Strive/TRiO.

“I think of Project Strive as a great resource for all students who need a little help. They are always a helping hand in the Chadron State community,” McKinley said. “I can’t be more grateful for how they impact the students here at Chadron State. They are so supportive of the whole CSC community.”

McKinley said the program allows students to build relationships.

“My favorite part of Project Strive is that as soon as you are a part of the program, you are part of a community,” McKinley said. “Going into college, you don’t really know a lot of people.

It is awesome to go into college where you don’t know anyone and go into Project Strive and already have some friends.”

Director of Project Strive/TRiO Jen Schaer said McKinley has been a great addition to Project Strive/TRiO. 

“He is always friendly and helpful,” Schaer said. “This past semester, he worked with fellow Strive members to help them be successful in class.”

McKinley is majoring in K-12 Physical Education and Health. He said he wants to teach and coach football at the high school level and impact students’ lives.

Dr. Dawn Brammer, associate professor in the Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Department, said McKinley is growing as a future educator.

“He is developing an understanding of the teaching process and is able to apply that in a class scenario,” Brammer said. “Sam is energetic and fun to have in class.”

When it isn’t football season, McKinley works for CSC’sgrounds department. He said he enjoys interacting with his co-workers and the other campus employees.

“A lot of our grounds keeping staff are great. They do so much work for this campus, and it is an honor to work with them,” McKinley said.

McKinley said he is appreciative of his CSC education.

“CSC is providing me a quality education at an extremely affordable price compared to other colleges,” McKinley said. “I really appreciate the small class room sizes. I feel like I learn better than just a lecture hall class. You really get to know your professors well and I think that is really helpful.”

-Kelsey R. Brummels, College Relations

Category: Campus News, Project Strive, Student Awards & Achievements